
Call for Papers

We invite speakers to submit papers broadly in the areas of large-eddy simulations, unsteady flows in aerospace, high order methods, and mesh generation, but we are also happy to consider papers in other related areas.

Key Dates


We are seeking papers with a 14 page limit, not including references and appendices. This limit is based on the LaTeX template provided, submissions with modifications to this template, such as margin changes, will be returned to authors. When submitting for review, please provide a PDF of the manuscripts. As this is to be published by Springer-Nature, all camera-ready documents submitted on the 15th November 2023 will need to be provided as source in the CUFS Springer-Nature LaTeX class. This can be found here: 

Submission and Review

To submit, revise, review, and track the progress of your submission please go to: 

Abstracts can be submitted by clicking `make a submission`, full papers can then be submitted by clicking `upload file`.

Reviewing papers is a big job, therefore we are asking that everyone accepts to review at least one paper. A reviewer key will be sent to you with your submission allowing you to sign up for review. You can also contact the chair via to get a reviewer key.